Years ago, someone bought a bunch of billboards on the interstate we often travel. With no reference to a company or a cause, they simply said…
“There is no heavier burden than a great opportunity.”
Obviously, the words struck me.
What is my "heavy burden?"
I don’t want to miss out on my great opportunity.
What could it be? What am I missing?
Most of us drift into our career paths. With the exception of professionals like doctors, lawyers, nurses, and accountants, only a fraction of us end up in fields we were formally educated for. Most of us go out looking for a job and we take the best job offered. After we've done that a few times, we end up far from where we thought we would. Chemistry majors sell plumbing supplies. Industrial engineers teach chemistry. It’s just the way capitalism seems to work.
But as a Christ-follower, I believe there’s an invisible hand that directs our steps. When we trust that hand, His hand, we can reduce our anxiety and relax into the role and responsibility that we've been given. I love Psalm 16:5-6. It says….
“Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful
Don’t you love the quiet confidence you feel when you read and embrace that?
I’ve come to realize that my “great opportunity” is the job I’ve been given…right now!
We have the opportunity to be grateful for the responsibilities we've been entrusted with. The fact that God may be using this job to prepare us for future ones gives us even more confidence. And when we “do our work heartily as to the Lord”, we build a reputation for ourselves; people come to respect how we think, what we can do, and our character…who we are as people. Over time, we distinguish ourselves and sometimes, great opportunities come our way.
It’s easy to think back on your path and think you "chickened out" on some great opportunity, some chance of a lifetime. But we believe in an omnipotent, omniscient God who never makes mistakes. You are where you are for a reason. You didn't miss out… He had other plans for you. And He still does.
Grow where you’re planted. Relieve your "heavy burden" by grabbing the "great opportunity" that’s right in front of you. Love God and trust Him for today…for every day of your work life. He is good. He will provide for you. He will direct your steps.
Question: Will you take a deep breath right now and thank God for where you are? For the job He has you in?