The Hit Song That Got Me Thinking

If you listen often to mainstream radio, you’ve likely heard the song “You Found Me” by the Fray. It peaked at number 7 on the Billboard charts, sold well over a quarter million copies, and was featured on mega-hit shows like American Idol and Lost. 
It’s a huge hit. And I think I know why. 

As I was listening to the song in my car yesterday, I realized that it has more than a soothing melody. The lyrics strike a chord by daring to ask questions I’ve long pondered about God. 

Here’s a taste.

“I found God on the corner of First and Amistad… 
I said where You been, He said ask anything
Where were You when everything was falling apart
All my days were spent by a telephone
That never rang and all I needed was a call
That never came to the corner of First and Amistad…
Why'd You have to wait, where were You, where were You
Just a little late, You found me, You found me…Early morning the city breaks and I've been calling for years and years
You never left me no messages, You never send me no letters
You got some kind of nerve...
Why'd You have to wait, where were You, where were You
Just a little late, You found me, You found me
Why'd You have to wait to find me, to find me”

Do you ever feel like asking God these same questions? Is there a part of you that wonders if He really cares about the details of your life or why He doesn’t intervene when the going gets really tough?

Does the chaos of this world make you consider that God created the world but now stands completely apart from it? 

You are not alone. 

We encountered this lie often during our research for “Lies Young Women Believe.” We only interviewed Christian girls, so we didn’t talk to any one who consciously ascribed to a deistic worldview (the idea that the Creator does not interact with the Universe). But when we dug deep, we discovered that many of them had serious doubts that God was truly interested in their lives. And when times got tough they were quick to ask the same questions as The Fray. They wondered if it was possible for God to truly care about the details of their circumstances in a world as big and complicated as ours. 
Here’s how one put it:

“God is so big. He has so much to take care of with wars and natural disasters and stuff like that. I find it hard to believe that He cares about what is going on in my life.” 

She didn’t say it outright, but she was really questioning God’s sovereignty. I have a tendency to do the same. The result is always anxiety, fear and discouragement (for more on God’s sovereignty, check out Paula’s great post from Monday). 

The bottom line is, God does care about the details of our lives. Luke 12:6-7 tells us that He even knows the numbers of hairs on our heads. In 1 Peter 5:7 He tells us to cast all of our anxiety on Him because He cares for us.  Psalm 139 tells us that He sees even when we sit and when we rise. And there are many, many examples in Scripture that demonstrate that God hears our prayers and responds. 

If we believe the Bible, we cannot deny the clear Truth that even in a big, big world God sees us, cares about us, and responds to our prayers. 

As I ponder this issue, I realize that for me, this lie isn’t truly rooted in a belief that God doesn’t see me or care about me. Rather, my tendency to question His hand comes when I wish He had intervened differently. 

Can you relate? 

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