If you’ve been waiting for breakthrough in some area of life, it probably seems like you’re ready to move forward and God is the reluctant one in the relationship. But whatever things look like outwardly, it’s important to know that God wants your breakthrough to happen even more than you do. If he imparted dreams and desires to your heart, he's excited about seeing them fulfilled. He’s full of expectant hope for your life.
So why hasn’t that breakthrough happened? Maybe God is after something even more significant than the fulfillment of his calling. Perhaps he sees the need for an internal breakthrough before an external one. He may want your heart to fill with joy before the fulfillment rather than afterward. That way, it’s rooted in something other than your circumstances.
There’s a difference between waiting expectantly and waiting anxiously. You can’t live the life of faith or be filled with joy while walking in anxiety. And faith and joy are a bigger deal than the resolution of your circumstances. Sing a song of gratitude now. Let your heart swell with anticipation. Delight in God above all else. Let the dawn break through within you before it breaks outside.