The Cure for “The Fear of Missing Out”
So, how do I get rid of FOMO (the fear of missing out)? How do I rid my kids of it, since they’re the biggest sufferers today and are going to be the most seriously affected generation ever later on?
Here’s a five-course treatment plan for FOMO.
Simplify – Make your life consist of fewer things. Fewer people, fewer possessions, fewer activities. You’re going to try and maximize… it’s in your nature. So narrow the number of things you care about so you have fewer things to maximize. There will be fewer things to miss out on if you’re focused on fewer things.
Commit – Make commitments to the things you keep in your life. When you commit to something, you’re less likely to pick it apart and find everything wrong with it. Once you commit to keep the car you currently drive, you’re less likely to go to the showroom to see the new models. That lessens the FOMO that builds up in you when you see that new hybrid you’re going to miss out on. Committing to your wife, your church, your house… all these commitments lead to reduced FOMO.
Purpose – When you discover your unique purpose for being here, it’s easier to relax. You can maximize being who you are and spend less time dreaming about what you’re missing out on by not being somebody else. “My job is the relentless pursuit of being who God created me to be” is a quote I found in my journal. That means I don’t get caught up in being what He created Joe, Sally or Tommy to be. I can focus and have less FOMO.
- Faith – Trust God with the outcome of everything. Do what you can do… the next right thing… and then relax in your Faith. He’s in the outcomes business. I’m in the obedience business. Every transaction is a three-way deal. It’s me, the other person, and God. I do right by the other person, using my brain and my experience, but then God delivers the result. I’ve got a secret “trump” card… I know He loves me! He adopted me to be one of His kids. I don’t know what He’s going to do in a specific situation, but I know He loves me, and that gives me a quiet confidence that it’ll turn out OK.
- Pace – With fewer things to focus on, I will live my days at a better pace. If I engage with just a few things I’m really committed to… that connect with my purpose in being here, I’ll have more peace, more time with God, and more margin in my life. I move forward with faith that my job is to do the next right thing and trust God for outcomes. I’ll be more content.
…..and FOMO will be no more.