I lost the battle with my tongue last night. Oh, I didn’t use profanity or give someone a verbal lashing. My tongue wasn’t dripping with the acid of malicious gossip or cruel taunting. My tongue simply ran on uncontrolled, and a tender heart was hurt in the process.
It’s the kind of thing my tongue can easily do–insert itself into a conversation and supply needless banter. I know better than to speak much when I’ve had an extremely long day and I’m rapidly heading for that “silly zone.” You know, it’s that time of night when you really should be tucked in bed for some mental recovery through blessed sleep, but instead you’re still yacking on? Well, that’s the kind of time when it’s dangerous for me to open my mouth too much.
Proverbs warns us well about the tongue. One verse I have heavily marked and would do well to always have in mind is:
“When there are many words transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise” (Proverbs 10:19).
As my son drove me home, I asked him whether he thought my statements may have hurt my young friend. He responded in his typically calm and “wise beyond his years” manner, “Well, it may have, Mom. I know you didn’t mean to, but when I have something like that going through my mind, I’ve found it’s usually good to keep it to myself. I don’t need to say everything I’m thinking; only when I know God wants me to say something.”
Yep. I need to tape my mouth shut for a few days.
I asked my friend to forgive me today. Thankfully she’s full of mercy and grace. She’s only twenty-one, so I hope by the time she’s my ripe old age, she’ll be using her tongue more wisely than I did last night.
Anyone else need the tape?