Rich Toward God

This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God. Luke 12:21

It is easy to justify larger savings accounts for the sake of security. However, for the heart hungry for God, security is in Christ, not a bank balance. Future uncertainties are submissive to faith, not finances. Yes, to be rich toward God is to be rich in faith that exhibits generosity. True riches are trust in Jesus that leads to charity in Jesus’ name. To build excessively bigger bank accounts builds on ego and fear, but a life rich toward the Lord wisely gives away as the world wonders.

Fools lose what they only prepare for themselves, but those who give away their extra gain more.  How is your degree of richness toward God? Are you overly cautious or aggressively generous? Perhaps you defer a major expenditure, so you can give away some of your excess to those who hunger to hear the gospel. Professionals and poor alike need regular reminders of the love, forgiveness and justice of Jesus. Your intentional investment in the Kingdom bears big fruit.

Though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them. Psalm 62:10

It’s our inheritance in heaven, not on earth, that captures the heart of focused followers of Christ. Fortunes fade away, but treasures sent ahead to heaven are never lost, only compounding in value. Yes, the development and deployment of spiritual resources are the most strategic use of wealth. Human accolades over our earthly accomplishments are hollow compared to our Heavenly Father’s smile and affirmation over our richness toward Him. We can’t out give God!

Perhaps you draft a manifesto of generosity before you experience abundance, so you predetermine aggressive giving. Preplanning protects you from the temptation to trust in stuff over your Savior Jesus. The best remedy for greed is radical generosity. Hoarding feeds a life of ease, but significant eternal investments enhance a life engaged in the Almighty’s agenda. Be rich toward your Heavenly Father, since He has already given you His riches in Christ Jesus!

He [Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. Hebrews 11:26

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