But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5
The quality of God’s mercy is unobstructed. Like the gentle and ceaseless flow of a babbling brook, it refreshes all who come to drink. Those refreshed can fill their spiritual buckets and bless others, who in their parched suffering have yet to taste heaven’s liquid love. Yes, the mineral rights of Almighty God’s mercy are inexhaustible and its riches are greater than can ever be spent. His mercy shows compassion, nullifies judgment, covers pain and withholds what is deserved.
Do you lift up prayers of gratitude for the rich mercy of your Heavenly Father? Is mercy your manner of speech and conduct? Mercy exists like the foyer of your home to welcome the undeserving and to those who feel shame instead of hope. Like a critical care unit in a hospital, make your home a ward of mercy for those who need healing, love and acceptance. Adult children show up where they will be accepted, not judged…cared for, not condemned. Mercy is tender.
To give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God. Luke 1:77-78
Our pride is unmoved by mercy; it is neither extending nor receiving. With a granite-like face, grace is absent. Pride’s philosophy is “an eye for an eye,” with no eye on God’s eternal perspective of mercy. We desperately need to approach His throne of grace and mercy with our needy hearts. Humility first looks in the mirror at the candidate for Christ’s mercy.
Moreover, mercy is a prerequisite for forgiveness. As we cry out, “God be merciful to me, a sinner,” we are positioned to be forgiven and to forgive. Thus, cling to the mercy of Christ who graciously gives to you in abundance. Be a man or woman of mercy, as you experience from others their insecurities, fears, struggles, rejection, arrogance and accusations. Lean into mercy; take responsibility where another won’t. Give and take often this rich quality of unobstructed mercy!