
Philippians 3:12-13 (NLT): I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it…

After all that Paul had achieved, he knew his current location. He knew that his finish line still lay ahead, and he worked hard to know and experience more of Christ each day. With vacations winding down, and schedules heating up, I thought now would be a good time for us to take stock of our lives…take some time to go through these questions and really see where you’re at:

What is your current location spiritually? Paul’s goal was to know Christ and to experience more of his power every day—that should be our goal too. None of us have arrived. God has more of himself to give, but we need to press on, and move toward him.

What’s your current location in your relationships? Are you growing closer to those who love you or drifting farther away? Is it time to swallow your pride and ask or offer forgiveness? Do you need to cut and run from people who tear you down and spend more time with people who make you better?

Where are you with work? Are you phoning it in? Just kind of trying to get by and collect a paycheck, or are you connecting your passions and talents to your day-to-day work? Is it time to learn some new skills or take on some new challenges?

How are the finances doing? I mean really… how are they doing? Are you controlling your money or is it controlling you? Do you have any financial peace?

What’s your current location physically? Do you treat your body like a temple or an amusement park? Are you avoiding some warning signs? Do you give your body enough rest and nutrition to thrive, or are you hoping french fries and ketchup count as vegetables?

You can have all kinds of dreams and hopes and wishes…you can even have specific goals for your life, but until you determine your current location, you won’t know where to begin. Life will happen to you, rather than you happening to your life. The greatest lives are shaped by the greatest goals. Set some.

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