But Peter declared, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the other disciples said the same. Matthew 26:35, NIV
Remember those words! As we begin another Mustard Seed series, those words will remain important. Oh, the perfect intentions of men!
When was the last time you made a commitment you couldn’t keep; or didn’t keep? Have you broken your New Year’s resolutions yet? I know about a dozen people who committed to read their Bible everyday in the New Year. I wonder if they have kept that promise to God. I said I was going to exercise this year.
Peter thought he would never break his devotion to Jesus. How could he, after all Christ had done for him? Peter was usually the first to react. The other disciples quickly followed suit. If Jesus were to have banked on commitments alone, He would have had plenty of support. We know, however, how the story ends. Jesus went to the cross alone. The disciples deserted Him.
We could be quick to criticize Peter and the disciples, but then we must face the plank in our own eyes. How are we at keeping promises? How well do we honor Christ in our lives? How many times do we break our commitment; go our own way; forsake the first love we are to have for our Savior?
If you’re like me, and, I suspect you are since the heart of man is basically the same, then you have let Christ down more than you care to count. Perhaps you are letting Him down right now? Only you know the answer to that question.