On Priorities

“A priority isn’t a priority until you have to make a choice.” —Andy Stanley 

“Seek first...” we’re told. Seek says, initiate, fight for it, search relentlessly. First says... well, first... like before anything else.

Keep God first.

Who can argue?

Make your wife your number one priority.


You only have ONE chance to raise your kids right!

You know its true.

Honor YOUR father and mother.

They’ll be gone soon.

“If you don’t work, you don’t eat,” (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

Gotta work.

Church is where we connect with God... it’s got to be first, right?

It’s the bride of Christ!

What about me? Can I have some time for myself?

I’m dying here.....

I need some friends, right? When do I find time for them?

Influence with outsiders?

All of these can’t be first. And they can’t be sequenced, one after the other. They have to be lived simultaneously, which means continual tension in the rhythm of life and constant decision-making.

Christian men need help in establishing and managing these priorities.

Every one of the priority statements above is true. So what do men do? These tensions aren’t going away, and the pace of life in our culture is quickening, not slowing. There are only 24 hours in a day and everyone has the same amount of time. You can’t do it all. So the question is who/what will you “cheat” and how can you make the best decisions day by day?

The key is intentionality.

We will either grab hold of our time and spend it intentionally, or we’ll allow our circumstances to dictate who we spend time with and how we focus and organize our days, months, and years.

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