Night Is Coming

As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4

So we need to get busy! I love the way Rick Warren puts it. He asks, “Why doesn't God take you to heaven the moment you become a believer? Have you ever thought about that? Why does God leave you here on earth? Heaven is perfect. And here there are problems and trials, sin and temptation and all kinds of bad stuff. So why does God leave us here?”

Well, there are only two things you cannot do in heaven. Ready? You can sing in heaven, pray in heaven, fellowship in heaven, serve God in heaven, rest in heaven – you can actually probably do anything you want to do in heaven except for two things.

There are only two things you can't do in heaven.

One of them is sin, and the other is tell people, who don't know it, the Good News about God's love.  

Now, which of those two reasons do you think you're still alive for?

The only reason your heart is still beating after you come to Christ is because God wants you to share it with people who haven't heard. If somebody hadn't shared it with you, you'd be lost.  So God wants you to pass it on. 

2 Peter 3:9, "God doesn't want anyone to be lost, but He wants all people to change their hearts and lives!”  

I’ve mentioned recently that the U.S. is the third or fourth largest mission field in the world and other countries are sending their missionaries to us. I’m going to stop using that stat even though it’s absolutely true. It makes it sound like a priority, like maybe we should stop worrying about the rest of the world and start concentrating on our own people. I do NOT believe we should do that. We
have most of the resources in the world, we need to help them.  

Jesus said the 2nd greatest commandment was to “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and there isn’t a better way to love your neighbor than to take them to heaven with you.

I asked my friend Warren Bird, a guy who studies churches for a living, how many unchurched people there really are in the U.S.

Here’s what he said:

"According to the latest research, more than 1 out of every 3 adults (33%) in America is unchurched. This means they haven’t attended a religious service of any type during the past year. This represents some 125 million Americans.

That number alone would be the 10th largest country in the world!"

Perry Noble says it this way, “Found people find people.”

That’s the ONLY reason you are still here!

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