How many of us have both good and bad childhood memories? I do.
As mothers, we imprint memories on our children's brain Rolodexes. Memories eventually shape their character as adults: Enjoying family meals around the table or grabbing too many meals in the car rushing to another activity? Engaged in listening to the familiar voice of a parent reading to them or staring stone-faced in silence while watching TV? Comforted by a parent's quiet, gentle voice in prayer or grimacing at loud voices? Memories.
Let me encourage us to be more intentional about nurturing good memories in our children. I have just a few of my own ...
Sitting down together for meals. Arrange schedules to reflect this priority. It seems that meals are great times to connect with a child's heart and slow down the pace of a day.
Telling family stories. Take the time to share your own childhood memories and events. Introduce them to extended family members through photos and stories.
Praying together. My children have heard me praying for them and with them concerning many issues—a school exam, college choices, career paths, friendships ... even a pet's health!
Asking for forgiveness. "I'm sorry" speaks volumes when Dad misses a game or Mom is late for carpool. The intent of the heart covers the few times when schedules conflict with expectations. Children are forgivers.
Sweet memories imprint the mind, touch the heart, and seal relationships.