Meditation for the Christian Mom

Why was my yoga class bothering me so much? It was just exercise, right? All the other moms I talk to think this it’s perfect for reducing stress in my life.

How could one of Oprah’s book club recommendations be harmful? Most of her audience is women and moms. Doesn’t that mean that it would help me?

Isn’t it good for me to meditate? Isn’t it the same thing as prayer? I’m a Christian. I won’t think about anything other than God while I pray. I’ll know the difference between prayer and something else dangerous.

It’s so politically correct to say that you meditate everyday. There seems to be study after study that say people who “meditate” are calmer, have lower blood pressure, make more money, are more attractive. You name it and the world has attached a value, if you will, to the practice of meditation.

Some call it “freeing of the mind,” “emptying of the mind,” “opening ourselves up” etc….

I’ll address these one by one. True freedom comes from our Creator, not by anything that we can do on our own. So to say to someone “free your mind” is like saying to them “give up complete control of the most important part of yourself”.

A mind, as we know, can never be really empty. When we consciously choose to empty it and leave it that way — it’s like inviting squatters to live there like an abandoned home. The enemy loves to go places where he’s not invited but no one is preventing him from leaving. That kind of vulnerability is dangerous. He even knows what would be appealing to us, like leading us to believe that we are more content with the emptiness than choosing Christ to reign in that space.

Yes, our minds can become vacant, in a way. The God-shaped place held within us can certainly be stuffed with something pretending to be Jesus. Opening up ourselves is great — when we know that Jesus is directly behind the door. Nothing else.

God wants our minds to be UNITED with His, not separate and void.

He wants us to be distinct. Here’s what His Word has to say about this:

“God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many members, yet one body. The Body of Christ.”
 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 

So, yes, Mommas! Meditate….on Christ. With Christ. The rewards will surely satisfy the soul He has given you.

Here are 2 Christian meditation techniques for moms: 

1. Lectio Divina: This is a beautiful, old Latin phrase for a slow reading of God’s Word, reflecting upon it (either silently or through journaling) and careful listening for His Guidance. For moms, this can take 5 minutes. Reading, reflection and listening.

2. Events of Christ’s Life: Jesus’ life events contain the Revelation of God’s promises to us. Focusing on placing ourselves there, during the time and place of these events helps us further our relationship with Him. Examples would be The Gospels, Matthew, Mark (the shortest and most concise), Luke and John (the most comprehensive). Other traditional formats include The Rosary, which focuses on the events and mysteries of Christ, and The Twelve Stations of The Cross,, the events leading up to Christ’s death and resurrection.

We can pick one of these events and focus on it all day, asking for God to show us the significance in our daily life in what Christ experienced.

The filling up of our souls on Jesus is a deliberate act. We choose to do it. These are just 2 ways to do that which help unite us to Christ and invite Him into our lives on a daily basis.

Do you practice a particular form of prayer that brings you closer to Jesus?
How do you protect yourself from other forms of meditation that aren’t spiritually healthy?
When do you pray during your day? 


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