Thirst... a longing for more… an unfulfilled craving… these were the desires that drove her from man to man. And yet, five husbands and a live-in lover failed to provide what she was looking for. This woman in John four had been seeking all her life for love, searching for someone to fill the empty places of her heart.
Her choice to look to anyone other than God for true pleasure reminds me of so many women I’ve spoken with. They are driven by a longing for love. Some were abandoned as children by their parents, some have known the rejection of being discarded by lovers or husbands, some have turned to lesbian relationships… all in search of a lasting love.
But this love that we’re all driven to pursue can only be found in one Man. He is the only complete satisfaction to the insatiable longing to be loved. He is the quenching for every parched heart.
The woman at the well in John four knew enough about religious things to throw out a question to Jesus about worship, but her heart had never experienced true worship. She knew about the Messiah, but she’d never met Jesus.
If we could visit with her a bit, I think she might describe her encounter with Christ in words like this: “The answer to my cravings was falling in love with Jesus and having my affection completely set on Him. Satisfaction in Christ is it. Before, I only had head knowledge, now I have a deep love relationship with Him.”
He is calling you to come to Him. If you are thirsty, weary, and tired of searching, respond to His call. Have you received the living water He offers? If you’ve never experienced heart surrender, please consider accepting His offer of living water today.