Is God Calling Me?

Passage: Isaiah 6:6-8

Key Verse:  “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” v.8

She was calling the shots that morning. I was ready to check in my suitcase for the flight. After all, the bag’s handle had broken and I wasn’t about to roll it from one end of the airport to the other. “Okay, then, give me the outfit you’re wearing tomorrow and your makeup bag,” she ordered.  She went on: “You’re the speaker, not me. We’re not taking chances of you not having what you need for the conference.” I smiled. I knew better than to argue. My friend was, as usual, being organized and precautious.

Am I ever thankful! As it happened, my bag got lost. We were gone to New York for the weekend and I had nothing but the clothes on my body, my computer and my pocket book. But thanks to Terri, I had everything I needed to teach the women at the conference. God had also provided us with the best hostess a girl could have asked for. She had extras of everything I needed. I didn’t have my suitcase, but surprisingly, I didn’t lack a thing. Because others came alongside, supporting me while serving God, His work did not stop.

It takes a village

The original ancient African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” teaches an eternal truth. It has been quoted by several writers, and it even became the title of one of Hillary Clinton’s best-selling books. The truth behind this proverb is timeless: No man, woman or family is able to accomplish anything on their own.

My husband and I were walking in the park this morning while discussing the Soaring with Him Ministries team. It’s amazing to see how each one of them possesses different talents and gifts, which, woven together, complement each other beautifully.

Terri is an amazing administrator and the light of any party. People are drawn to her. She keeps me on track when we travel and helps me stay organized. When she takes the lead, I can relax and focus on preparing the message I’m teaching, or ministering to people who want to talk to me.

Bettina is our marketing creative brain and has a burning desire to reach the world for Christ. She is involved in our international efforts and she is also a gifted Spanish translator. Her spirit is ever sensitive to spiritual matters and I have learned to rely on her for bold prayers when under strong spiritual attack.

Lilly is a mighty prayer warrior, with a passion for God’s Word and for the persecuted church. When I could not find the time to devote to Social media anymore, she stepped up to help us and she’s now my voice on the social media walls.

My childhood friend Adriana and my brother John, who live in Brazil, answered my prayers when they said “yes” to translating my devotionals into my native language.

And last, but certainly not least, there’s my sweet husband and two daughters, who are my ultimate cheerleaders and supporters. They believe in me and lovingly support God’s calling for my life.

It takes a village to do ministry.

When we see a famous musician on stage, we tend to forget those behind the scenes. The director that is running the show, the technicians that make sure the lighting and soundboard work properly… and even the lady who ensures that a water bottle is always strategically positioned on stage.  But the show could never go on without their talents and service.

As I look back in the past four years since Soaring with Him started, I am amazed at how God is making this ministry a base for several people to serve Him with their particular gifts. When it started, it was only me, my computer, and a burning desire to encourage women to find the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10:10). I never dreamed that we would be where we are today. When God called me to write and speak in a language that is not my own, I felt like Moses: Scared and so very inadequate. But as I said yes, in spite of my weaknesses and fear, God provided, as He brought along Aarons and Hurs to light my load, uphold my arm when I get tired and fill the gaps where I lack (Exodus 17:12).

My post today has one objective only: I wish to encourage anyone out there who wants to become a difference maker, a world changer for Christ. You don’t have to be in the spotlight to make an impact for Jesus. He has given you special gifts that He wants to use for His kingdom. Pray that He will show you His plans for you. It could be in a secular position or a particular ministry. Regardless, He uses our surrendered talents to shine Jesus’ light into the environments we are plugged in.

Wherever He leads… He opens the doors.

Whatever your weaknesses… He supplies people to fill the gap.

Whenever you lack resources… He provides.

The only requirement from you is a YES, in spite of.

In spite of your fear. Or your inadequacy. Or your lack of resources.

As you read this blog today, is God speaking to you? He may be calling you to take a leading role, or a support role in ministry. Remember:  Each role is crucial. Indispensable.

Make yours Isaiah’s voice, as you say YES to God’s call:

“Here am I. Send me!”


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