As I read John 4 this morning, I saw two words that I’d overlooked all my life. Jesus is talking to the woman at the well. He tells her about the “living water.” Once you drink this water, you are never ever thirsty again.
But, here’s what I missed till today. In verse 14 Jesus says, “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty forever. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Come into authentic relationship with Jesus and something starts bubbling deep inside of you. . .an exciting, perpetual energy and enthusiasm that keeps on refilling itself for the rest of your life. . .an enthusiasm and excitement that won’t slow down until you die and go to heaven. As it wells up, it has to come out. As a result, you’ll have to worship Him, love Him, and serve Him. To respond to Christ the way He told us to respond, you’ll have to serve others. Loving and serving others taps that spring like nothing else can!
Where I grew up, there was a spring in the woods on the way to the community swimming pool. When they widened the road, the spring got filled in and the water was piped away into a storm drain. Wasted. Useless. Forgotten.
Is that what will happen to your spring? Is it already happening? Have you “widened your road?" Gotten busier and busier, just carrying more traffic? Have you lost the energy you once had for Jesus? Have you forgotten the cross? Have you forgotten how much He loves you? Do you remember how good it feels to serve? Really serve? Serving others is like digging out that spring; it's like removing the “dirt” that busyness brings.
Serving others lets living water flow free again.