How to Fall in Love with Your Church

Summer is a perfect time to learn more about the people in your church and invest in their lives. The more you pour into something, the more you get out of it, so pouring yourself into church service will help you draw closer to the people who attend and give you a new perspective about working for the Lord. So what can you do? I’ve got three ideas.

1. Volunteer.

Volunteering is an act of service, and the Bible emphasizes its importance numerous times. For example, Galatians 5:13 says, “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Service is a critical part of the Christian life.

One major way to help your church this summer is with Vacation Bible School. Many volunteers from teachers, snack providers, recreation leaders, and those who set up and tear down are all necessary to pull off this event.

You can also help in other ways, such as volunteering to help clean the church, assisting nursery workers, or helping with a fundraiser. Ask your pastor or youth pastor how you can use some of your extra free time to serve your church this summer.

2. Visit.

I know the thought of visiting someone you don’t really know can be awkward, but the more you do it, the less awkward it becomes. And remember, the members of your church are ultimately your brothers and sisters in Christ. You aren’t visiting strangers. You’re visiting family. Many church pastors and deacons visit those in the hospital or that are housebound. Ask if you and a friend can accompany them. There are others that you can visit and serve as well.

You can always take food and visit:

-- A mother who has just had a new baby.

-- Someone who is recently home from surgery.

-- Someone who has just returned from a mission trip.

-- Someone who has recently experienced the death of a spouse, parent, or loved one.

-- An elderly person who lives alone.

People are blessed by knowing that someone cares about them and notices when they are hurting. By visiting and showing love, like Galatians 5:13 emphasizes, you are spreading the freedom Christ offers and learning more about the importance of a church body at the same time.

3. Shadow church workers.

For the last thirty years, my mother has been the piano player at our church. She spends countless hours practicing throughout the week and working back and forth with the choir director picking songs for the service. She still gets up early every Sunday morning and practices the songs again.

Many assume that she just shows up at church and plays, not realizing the hours she spends in preparation. With this in mind, think of all the people involved in just the Sunday morning service:

-- The person who prints the bulletins

-- The greeters

-- The ushers

-- The worship leader/choir director

-- The musicians

-- The choir/ praise team

-- The pastor

-- The media personnel

-- The nursery workers

-- The Sunday school teachers

-- The people who clean

Depending on the church size, there may be even more. If you have never seen what is involved in these positions, make it a point to shadow and/or talk to the individuals in these roles.

Realizing the amount of time, energy, and effort these people put in will show you their hearts and hopefully inspire you to become involved on a more consistent basis. You will never regret time spent serving the Lord.

By Sarah Garrett

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