Many men live their lives into their 30s before ever thinking about Character. It’s only when we become fathers, or when we begin to face really tough decisions that we come face to face with “what we’re made of.” We men can rationalize anything, often lying to ourselves (and others) about the decisions we’re making. “Oh, I really have to go on this company golf trip,” “Since I worked late the last two nights, I can put this on my expense report... that’s only fair.”
What kind of decisions do you make when nobody is looking?
If we feel good about ourselves when we do the right thing, what is our track record saying about us and how we feel about ourselves as a result?
Granted, no one’s perfect. But everybody is accountable to the Father for the decisions they make and the way they live their lives before Him. A good example has lived through the consequences of his own character flaws; he’s learned from his mistakes and lives daily in the knowledge that he can decide to do the right thing and that God will give him the courage to do so, if he’ll just ask. And he knows he can trust God for the outcome, regardless of how it might look at the time. He can clearly see younger men lying to themselves and can graciously call them out—and live a life of godly character.
Character is reflected in the decisions you make when no one is looking. Over time, your character will grow and begin to show.
As a result, you’ll become a leader in your church, business, and community. Most importantly, your wife will respect you, and your children will “catch” character as they grow up in their shadow.