Glancing Sideways

Have you ever tasted Garrett's mouthwatering caramel popcorn? When I lived in Chicago, I'd often stand in line over an hour for a bagful. It was worth the wait. Not only was the popcorn out of this world. . .the walls of the store were made of mirrors, and I enjoyed sneaking sideways glances at others (okay, mostly myself!) while I was waiting.

When I moved to Michigan, I got my "mirror fix" when I began taking ballet lessons. I loved every minute of dance class, and it didn't hurt that I was told to watch myself in the mirror when I practiced!

Yes, I have a preoccupation with mirrors. And yet, it's so much deeper than that. Really, I have an eye problem that's connected to a heart problem. Without even thinking, I find myself glancing out of the corner of my eye to see who's watching me. The habit started when I was a teen, constantly watching to see what male heads turned when I walked by, and to this day I still have to guard against this.

There are other ways I "glance sideways," including watching who and how many people "like" or comment on my pictures or status updates on Facebook. It's all rather embarrassing to write, and I only do so because of today's resolution from our Truth Boot Camp: I will let go of the things in my past that are holding me back this year.

When I asked God what was holding me back, this is what came to mind. This year, I want to live like Proverbs 4:25 tells me to: "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." For me, that means not only not taking a second look at that cute guy, it also means not glancing sideways to see who's watching me.

After all, people and mirrors are cruel masters who can't determine my worth. But too often I listen to their lies instead of saying, with the apostle Paul, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31). What does it matter if other people are or are not impressed with me? I was handcrafted by God Himself who chose me in Christ before the foundations of this world were even poured. . .for the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:4–14)! If that's not enough to steady my sideways glances and fix my gaze straight ahead, I don't know what is!

How about you? Do you find yourself glancing sideways, too? I pray God takes your sweet face in His, reminds you of His love for you, and helps you fix your gaze straight ahead.

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