Frequently Asked Questions: Money and the Church

Q Isn’t money the root of all evil? Is it right for preachers and Christians to ask God to make them rich?

Answer: It depends on their motives. I Timothy 6:10 states that the LOVE of money is the root of all sorts of evil, not money itself. Many Christians embrace one of two extremes about finances. They believe you must either be poor to be godly, or that if you truly walk by faith, you will enjoy uninterrupted prosperity. Neither one of these positions are correct. The Bible teaches that we are responsible for being faithful stewards of what we have, and our faithfulness or lack thereof will determine the level of our blessing. I truly believe if the desire for wealth is a godly one (to finance the Kingdom and purposes of God), and you have been a faithful steward, then God will prosper you, but according to His time and His ways.

Q Why are there so many collections at church? I feel like I’m getting a shakedown!

Answer: Different churches have different styles of receiving offerings. In the day of the megachurch and the TV pastor, we sometimes forget that most Black churches are not wealthy institutions. Close to half of the Black clergy nationwide must work at another full-time job in order to support themselves. More importantly, however, is your attitude. II Corinthians 9:7 (KJV) says, "Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

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