Fourteen Spiritual Gifts

Gifts from Romans 5:

1. Justified by faith (v. 1) We have a right standing with God because we have been declared righteous before Him. This is a legal verdict, and it includes: pardon from the guilt and penalty of sin; imputation of our sin to Christ's account; our sins no longer counted against us; Christ's righteousness credited to our account; and God declaring us "righteous," solely on the merits of Christ's righteousness.

2. Peace with God (v. 1) We are no longer God's enemy. "God has declared Himself to be at war with every human being because of man's sinful rebellion against Him and His laws. But the first great result of justification is that the sinner's war with God is ended forever." (John McArthur)

3. Access to the Father (v. 2) The access that was unthinkable in the Old Testament is now made possible through Jesus Christ.

4. Stand before God in grace (v. 2) In God's saving grace, we enjoy a permanent, secure position. We also have sanctifying grace, sustaining grace, enabling grace, and suffering grace. Our position is not based in our own performance, but in God's.

5. Hope of the glory of God (v. 2) "Hope" does not speak of uncertainty, but of something that is certain, but not yet realized. Our ultimate destiny is to share in the glory of God.

6. Suffering and tribulation (v. 3) Trials are the "pressure" that, like a "juicer," produces the sweet "juice" of perseverance, endurance, character, and hope. This gift comes especially as a result of our relationship with Christ or because we choose to do right.

7. Love of God (v. 5) is lavished on us, overflowing in us. Understanding His great love for us will result in overflowing love for Him.

8. The precious Holy Spirit (v. 5) He lives in us: "God has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come" (2 Cor. 5:5). The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, comforts us, makes Christ known to us, teaches us the truth, and guides us.

9. Saved from God's wrath (v. 9) Christ bore the full fury of God's wrath against us and our sin.

10. Reconciled to God (vv. 10-11) Formerly separated and alienated from God, we are now brought to a state of right relationship with Him.

Gifts from Ephesians 1:1-8:

11. Adopted into God's family (v. 4) God is our Father. We are children of God with a new nature, in a new family relationship. We bear God's likeness.

12. Redemption through His blood (v. 7) This is a word picture from the ancient slave markets. A redeemer paid the necessary ransom to purchase the prisoner or slave's release from bondage. We can sing, "Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed through His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am."

13. Forgiveness of sins (v. 7) In the words of another song: "My sin--oh, the bliss of this glorious thought—my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul." Forgiveness leads to joy: "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." (Ps. 32:1) Because of the blood of Jesus, God is faithful to forgive our sins—past, present, and future (1 John 1:9).

14. Purpose for living (vv. 12, 14) We exist "for the praise of His glory."


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