“Follow Me” is the motto, slogan, axiom, and maxim of the United States Army Infantry. This motto is more than just a motto; it is an inspirational phrase that has been used by generations of leaders, not just infantry leaders. Certainly, as powerful as these words are, it takes more than just two words to inspire and motivate a person or a team to follow another.
I believe that the essential leadership principle tied to the “follow me” motto, is commitment. Great leadership surges from commitment to the “right stuff.” Quality “leadership-follower” relationships are founded on the rock of commitment.
How do leaders establish and retain committed followers? What does commitment look like in a leader? How can a leader practice commitment? These are three really good questions for you to reflect upon and answer.
“…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” These are the words of Joshua 24:17b (ESV), and these words are on the doorposts of our home. This scripture, motto, maxim, axiom, slogan is really important to our family and the generations of our family members. This reflects a commitment that we are “sold out to.”
The greatest “Follow Me” leader in history is Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, we can read Jesus Christ speaking the words “follow me” to his disciples on a number of occasions. These words of Jesus Christ still call us to action today. Through these two words, Jesus Christ makes it clear that He requires total commitment of His followers.
Many of those that followed Jesus Christ were just curious. Others were persuaded of the Truth that Jesus Christ was teaching. But, only a few were fully and personally committed to Him. When His uncommitted followers began to “depart” him in response to His “difficult” sayings, Jesus Christ turned to His twelve disciples and asked them if they wanted to “depart” with the uncommitted followers.
For you as a leader, that commitment to Jesus Christ must remain strong. Total commitment to Jesus Christ facilitates success. Jesus’ call to you to commitment is a call to constant watchfulness in maintaining and understanding the standards of that commitment. No matter what distractions that you encounter, you must maintain your focus on serving Jesus Christ, our Lord.
If you lead an organization of any size or type, you must identify what is genuinely worthy of commitment. Do you commit to things that don’t really matter? When your organization’s vision, mission, goals, objectives, tasks, etc. are properly related to our God, to Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord, then “commitment” makes sense.
Suggested Prayer: “Dear God, our heavenly Father, thank you for Your gracious and merciful leadership. I pray for Your help in identifying the things that are in my life that are worthy of commitment. I pray for Your help in becoming a “Follow Me” leader that would be committed to the people that You have put under my care. I pray that I would be fully committed to Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”