As a parent, we can often find ourselves exhausted, overwhelmed and discouraged; and then, to add to our misery, we condemn ourselves for feeling so exhausted, overwhelmed and discouraged. We struggle to carry the load of personal guilt for being ‘bad parents,” as if somehow we have failed our families for being weak. That voice of condemnation we hear is dark, divisive, dangerous and for sure not from God.
Let me encourage you with a simple reminder that comes directly from God’s word…
2 Corinthians 12:9 / ESV
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me”
If in your day-to-day struggles of leading your family you find yourself in a position of weakness, don’t panic. It’s okay.
Remember that God has a wired us to need Him, not just for our first time sinners prayer experience but for our entire life. We are not meant to be able to handle life all on our own, it’s our own pride that insists we should. A religious pride that can sneak into our minds and rob us of our peace, joy and comfort in Christ. It whispers to us that WE should be able to handle things easier, better or stronger that others. It would never dare to challenge our basis for salvation, but indirectly it nibbles away at our foundation of grace until we eventually forget that we never ever had the power to change our lives on our own.
Step back today, remember the GRACE of God to change our hearts from old to new, from failed men and women to redeemed, and remind yourselves of the power that is only found in our savior Jesus Christ. When we hit empty and drop to our proverbial knees in failure, His power and His strength are revealed.
So this week, as you labor to lead your families and kids, don’t surrender your faith in overcoming the multitude of challenges in your life, just surrender the need to believe you have to solve everything on your own.
When we convince ourselves that it's up to us alone to be good parents, we live under the pressure of having to have an answer for everything. We have to be able to find a resolution to every dilemma or summon enough patience for every frustration or conflict we encounter. When we assume the responsibility alone, we are actively stepping back into a world of self and stress; a world that carries a ton of weariness and guilt and its impact will rob us of much of what we have been freely given in Christ. Sometimes we forget that everything we have, are and are going to be is accomplished not by us, but by the grace of God in our lives.
Your kids are going to be saved by GRACE.
Your marriage will be kept by GRACE.
Your home will be at peace by GRACE.
Your job will be effective by GRACE.
Your ministry will change lives by GRACE.
Your day will begin and end in peace if you choose to live by GRACE.
So if you dare, stop thrashing your way through your day. Re-start your day by “waiting” for God. Wait to hear His voice before making decisions. Wait to feel His strength before engaging with your latest struggles. Wait to feel His peace before confronting the latest emotional explosion in your home. Wait and be renewed in the power of your weakness. Waiting is as simple as “listening” to God after you ask in prayer for help. It may mean shutting off your radio, television or iPod, it may mean stepping back into your bedroom before going out into the day. For some, pulling off the road or taking a walk at work, do what you have to do to get quiet enough to hear the still small voice of God for you.
Isaiah 40:31 / (ESV)
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Be encouraged faithful ones… God is with you. He is beside you and He will empower you in the very darkest of your days. No matter how empty, weak or discouraged you “FEEL”… God is waiting for us to surrender again.
Peace and grace to you as we all “seek to keep our families in between the lines and on the road of life.”