Empowered By God

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you… (Acts 1:8 ESV)

Yes, we have all probably read this verse before, but have we ever considered the fullness of what it means to be empowered by God?

I can speak from experience that life can have a way of making you feel powerless at times. I can still remember the painful experience of looking in the mirror when I was in high school. I hated my body, my rounded face, and my thick eyebrows. Other girls at school didn’t look like me, with their perfect complexions and soft hair.

The enemy had filled my head with words such as ugly, fat, weak, not enough, depressed, but worst of all...powerless. I would look at my reflection, and those words would dominate my thoughts. I felt unworthy of ever accomplishing anything valuable in life. My insecurities told me who I was, and I needed a new identity. I needed freedom.

That is when I stepped into a youth service. I can’t remember the message spoken that night, or even the songs that were played. The only thing I vividly hold in my memories, are the words that God spoke into my heart. As I boldly made the decision to step up to the altar to receive prayer at the end of the service, a young man walked up to me. I simply bowed my head as I expected him to pray for me. The next words to come out of his mouth took me by surprise.

“You are not alone. God sees your tears. He is your Father and He loves you.”
That’s when the tears began to flow. No one had ever told me that God loved me like a Father. In fact, no one had ever spoken to me with that authority before. God knew that I didn’t need a simple prayer; I needed words that came straight from Him.

Now, why do I tell you this story? Well, many women today face the same struggles that that I once did. I allowed social media, magazines, television, and comparison to tell me who I was. The worst thing was that I didn’t think I could fight to be free. I didn’t think that I had the power to change my circumstances and finally walk with confidence and bravery. And well, maybe you are feeling the exact same way that I did.
Sister, I have some news for you. God promised that when the Holy Spirit would come, we would all have the power to make some real changes.

Your power doesn’t come from who your family is or what your career looks like. Your self-worth isn’t rooted on what talents you possess or who you get to date. None of that matters when it’s the Holy Spirit on the inside of you who reveals to you who you are.
Life is not about trying to be perfect or complying with church attendance. Now, we have the free gift of having an intimate and fulfilling relationship with Jesus.

A wise Hebrew woman once said, “God is longing to take the orphan out of us, and bring the child home.”


Look at what this amazing verse says:

to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit… (Isaiah 61:3 ESV)

This chapter in the bible is quoted by Jesus himself. He mentions it when He speaks about what He was born to accomplish. Being empowered means being full of God’s love for you in such a way, that you know who you truly are. You know that you know, that you are loved and cherished. Money, relationships, and accomplishments no longer define you.
And so, maybe you have felt worthless for a very long time. When others look you in the eyes, your eyes dart away. You might feel like you aren’t smart enough, or like nothing you ever do comes out right. Perhaps, you enter into impure relationships, which only end in heartbreak, because you are seeking real love. The truth is, you have power.


You were created to fulfill dreams. The Holy Spirit has placed power on the inside of you to go to the places that you have always dreamed of.

Perhaps you want to be a missionary in Africa. Go for it!

Maybe you have always dreamed of opening up your own clothing store. You go, girl!

You desire to launch your very own ministry. That sounds awesome!

You have authority. Wipe the tears off your eyes. Lift your head up high. Get up, and conquer this world with the truth of what it means to be empowered.

By Carla Lopez

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