"Dear God..."

Why do Christian men and women fall in love with and marry those who do not share their faith in Christ? Let these two letters from Ray Stedman’s excellent book on II Corinthians shed some light on that question. (The first is written by a bride on her wedding day; the second is a hypothetical letter composed by Stedman.)

“Dear God: I know I have not been able to spend much time with you lately, with all the rush of getting ready for today, and I’m sorry. I guess, too, I feel a little guilty when I pray about all this, since Larry still isn’t a Christian. But oh, Father, I love him so much. What else can I do? I just couldn’t give him up. Oh, you must save him somehow, some way. You know how much I’ve prayed for him and the way we’ve discussed the gospel together. I’ve tried not to appear too religious, I know, but that’s because I didn’t want to scare him off. Dear Father, please bless our marriage. I don’t want to disobey you, but I do love him and I want to be his wife, so please be with us and don’t spoil my wedding day.”

Stedman says what this bride really meant was this: “Dear God: I don’t want to disobey you, but I must have my own way at all cost. For I love what you do not love, and I want to do what you do not want, so please be a good God and deny yourself, move off your throne and let me take over. If you don’t like this, all I ask is that you bite your lip and say nothing and don’t spoil my wedding day. Let me have my evil.”

Don’t let your feelings and affections run away with you in the area of choosing a mate. When you marry an unbeliever, the devil is your father-in-law, and you are compromising your life as far as God’s best is concerned.


What harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? (II Corinthians 6:15)


Nehemiah 3-7

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