Daughters of Biblical Womanhood

Older women likewise are to...teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled (Titus 2:3-5, ESV).

Grocery shopping, meal planning, budgeting, cleaning, gardening, decorating, cooking, organizing, relating to men, mothering a newborn, potty training, parenting a toddler, gracefully loving a teen—all of these situations give older women opportunities to train younger women. What a privilege and responsibility we have as women, to pass on to others both practical skills and a heart of wisdom, acquired from real-life experience!

The biblical model for learning the art of womanhood is this: those who have gone before gladly come alongside those who are following behind them. The more mature offer wisdom, encouragement, insight, practical help, understanding, hope, balance, and stability. The young woman who fails to take advantage of the wisdom she can gain from those who’ve been further down the road, is unwise and short-sighted. The older woman who selfishly withholds knowledge and experience from those who could benefit is likewise short-sighted.

You may be tempted to think, How could I ever mentor a younger woman? I don’t know enough! Besides, look at all the mistakes I’ve made! Remember, you don’t have to be a Bible scholar in order to convey truth, share experiences of walking with God, or help a younger woman grapple with issues of faith. Young women need love, honesty, simple truths, life experiences related in wisdom and confidentiality, and the gift of time. It is the responsibility, and should be the joy, of older women to train the younger. 

Each season of life contains its own opportunities for serving, but for many, the “empty nest” season may provide the greatest opportunities for sowing spiritual seeds, nurturing those seeds, and reaping a harvest. The sunset years can be filled to overflowing with an abundance of ministry. If you find yourself in that season of life, don’t let those years be wasted—finish well. Invest in the future generation. 

Stop and think about it: What kind of spiritual legacy are you leaving to those who are following in your steps?

Take Time to Reflect

At almost any age, you are both older and younger than some of the women around you. So consider the women in your church body. If you are not currently investing in a woman who is younger in her faith, pray about who you should offer to disciple. If you know a young bride, a young mom, or a single young woman who needs some help in learning practical womanly skills, make the offer to take her grocery shopping, cook a meal, give housecleaning tips, and so on. Ask how you can pray for or encourage her in her walk with God. If you are a younger woman, seek out spiritual and practical help from older women. 

Study Titus 2:3-5. Pray about using this passage as a study to do with a group of friends or another woman.

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