"Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for God Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you.'" - Hebrews 13:5
Contentment is difficult to define. The dictionary definition says that contentment is satisfaction; but then it defines satisfaction as happiness. We continue going round and round with each word defining the other, yet it’s really telling us almost nothing about what contentment actually is.
If someone says they are content, sometimes we just think they are lazy. Or we figure they are underachievers. Or maybe they are simply incompetent and are using “contentment” as their excuse for not doing more with their life.
But Paul certainly didn’t fit into any of those categories. He was a forward thinker, a visionary, and a leader. At one time he had material wealth and prestige, but then had everything stripped away from him. He went from a life of wealth to one of service. Yet, he talked about learning to be content in life, regardless of circumstances. Paul explains, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity.”
God knows that we have a constant desire for more. For some reason, we are wired that way. But He reminds us to be content with the blessings He has given us and the ways He has blessed our lives.
When we are not content, we turn our backs on what God has given us and then miss what He is doing in our lives! Discontentment causes us to focus on our what we want. Contentment allows us to discover God’s plans for us.