A few months ago, my sister Kristen and I began praying about a theme for our upcoming summer conference. We talked, prayed, talked some more, and still came up empty-handed.
We didn’t want to settle on a topic just because it seemed interesting or exciting. We wanted a topic that would genuinely help and challenge the girls attending. We wanted to host a conference that would meet the greatest needs of the girls who would attend. We just weren’t sure what those needs were.
We decided to scroll through our email inbox for inspiration. We needed to know what topics and questions were trending. That’s when it hit us: Girls desperately need to know God’s truth in the areas of purity and sexuality.
Email after email was filled with a similar tone of desperation:
“I’m struggling in the area of purity.”
“Nobody knows I’m dealing with this.”
“You’re the first people I’ve told.”
“Please help!”
It was in this moment that we realized the desperate need to bring the topic of God-defined sexuality to the light. Sexual struggles aren’t just a guy problem; they are a human problem. Yet our overflowing inboxes reminded us that many Christian girls feel like they are the only ones who struggle and feel scared to reach out for help.
We want to debunk this myth.
Your True Sexuality
We were designed by God with bodies, minds, and emotions that connect deeply with the opposite sex. Sex is His plan and His design, not ours or Hollywood’s.
So why do so many of us struggle to view our sexuality in a biblical way? Why are afraid or ashamed to talk about this area of our lives? As a result of this hush-hush mindset, many of us struggle all by ourselves. Instead of opening up and reaching out for help, we keep it inside and struggle alone.
As you may have guessed, Kristen and I decided to focus our conference on the themes of sexuality and purity. We want to open up a conversation and help young Christian women know that they are not alone. You are not alone!
Instead of struggling silently, let’s open God’s Word and talk about sex from a biblical perspective. God isn’t shy about the topic, and we shouldn’t be either.
I want you to know that you are not alone. You are not alone in your struggles to understand sexuality and stay pure. God isn’t surprised or shocked by what you’ve done (or are doing). He created you, and He has a good purpose for your sexuality.
By looking to God’s Word for answers, you can live in a way that is joyful and Christ-centered. Your sexuality doesn’t have to be a scary or shameful part of your life. It can be beautiful and exciting!
By Bethany Baird