One of my favorite Bible stories is in Luke 17, where Jesus tells the story of the “returner.” Remember...the one leper (of the 10 He healed) who came back to say thank you? That guy got it.
Most of the mature believers I know have that same grateful heart that remembers, “Hey I don’t DESERVE anything, but God, for whatever reason, has chosen to “heal” forgive me and to give me “life and life to the full.” Somehow they know that their blessings aren’t “deserved.” There’s a sense of humility deep in their hearts; God gets all the credit for everything good in their life. They serve quietly, love deeply, give generously (and often anonymously), and are rock-solid, go-to guys.
When I talk with people about God’s grace, I let them know that I’m living proof that God’s graciousness is not dependent with a man’s performance. I drift away from God constantly. But I want to love God with all my heart, mind, strength and soul. And as I surrender “my way” to “His way,” I have a confidence and a peace that I’m on the right track.
The only sure cure for anxiety is a grateful heart, we have to TRUST recognize and appreciate His grace...and to develop an attitude of constant gratitude to Him. That gratitude grows as a man humbles himself and surrenders to God in every dimension of life. God will then pour out His grace year after year, through good times and bad.