As my friend and I loaded into sweet Karen's car the Sunday morning we left Atlanta to come home, the topic of dating came up. To my surprise, it was the first time dating came up the entire weekend and that thrilled me to no end. Karen asked, "So, are you dating anyone? Are there any prospective boys in your life?" While part of me would have loved to have gone off in full detail about the amazing man the Lord had provided for me, I answered with a simple, "Nope!"
She then asked if I'd dated and then just never pursued any of the guys further. In other words, have I rejected a lot? My answer was no. I'd not even been asked on a date.
Have I rejected a lot? I've rejected none.
Let me just say that if I stopped right there and took a good look at my dating circumstances, I could get so depressed. What girl doesn't want to be pursued? Asked on a date? Taken to a fancy restaurant? Hugged (or kissed) goodnight? It's every girl's dream to be swept away by her prince charming.
Let me also set the record straight that I'm not against dating whatsoever. I didn't make a rule for myself when I was ten that I wouldn't date until I was twenty-five. It's just turned out that way.
However, the truth of the matter is that it just hasn't happened for me. Am I depressed about that? Well, no. Yes, I'm sure the Lord's holding a bottle of boy-cried tears and lonely tears here and there, but it doesn't keep me down and out in the mornings. Do I know why it hasn't happened? If I did, I could maybe tell you why the sky was blue, too.
What's clear to me now more than ever is that the Lord, for a reason only He knows, has guarded my heart and emotions from any boy. From my perspective, they're just not interested in me.
For instance, in the past year or so about three different people have tried to set me up with one of their single friends. What came of it? Nothing.
The last thing I want to do is run some guy ragged just so he'll ask me on a date. No ma'am.
I don't tell you this to gain any sympathy or to even have a pity party. What I do want you to know is that those boys not pursuing me is not a reflection of me whatsoever. It's not because I'm fat or ugly, or don't dress cute enough, or am not outgoing enough, or am not godly enough, or whatever reason we girls can come up with. I truly believe it is the Lord keeping them from me and protecting my heart from them.
I don't know why He's chosen to protect my heart for so long. I do know that it's His grace in my life. I do know He alone has spared me from many broken hearts. I do know that He is building in me something beautiful. I do know that He is sanctifying me through and through and molding me into the woman I am to be one day to my future husband. I do know that marriage is a legitimate desire of my heart that I believe He's placed there and that He will be faithful.
I know that I haven't rejected even one date, nor has the Lord ever rejected me, my heart, or my desires. And He won't reject yours, either.