Revelation 14
This is the third of a three-chapter story that encompasses all of salvation history.
The Characters
Chapter 14 calls a screeching halt to the dragon’s exercise of power and reveals ultimate salvation for God’s people. Some of these characters we’ve seen before; some we have not.
- We see the 144,000 again.
- Three angels give three messages regarding the eternal gospel and those who refuse to worship God.
- One “like a son of man” who harvests the earth of its children of God.
- Another angel who harvests the earth of its followers of the dragon.
As scary as Chapter 13 was, this chapter is even more glorious.
Parts of the Story Rarely Pointed Out
- Verses 1- 5: Whoever the 144,000 are, they are uniquely God’s. What a song that must be!
- Verse 12: The perseverance of the saints is equated with God’s judgment of the followers of the dragon. Remember, God said, “It is mine to avenge” (Romans 12:19), and avenge he does.
- Verse 13: A word of encouragement for those who die in the Lord, whether from natural causes or from violence. They rest from their labors, for their deeds, done by faith in the power and grace of God, follow with them. (For those who might be interested, John Rutter provided a masterful treatment of this verse in his Requiem.)
- Verses 14-20: Once again, we see that Jesus doesn’t waste his time with Satan. Jesus rescues his people. He leaves it to other angels to carry out justice on the rebels.
Revelation for You
This chapter makes crystal clear what it takes to be saved. What is it?
Are you willing to fix your eyes on Jesus, allowing him to work the details, in every one of life’s circumstances?