1) Find a few close friends. Don't try to be everybody's friend. You'll stress out trying. Get to know some of the people on your floor at first, then build slowly from there.
2) Participate in class. To get the most out your classes, raise your hand and take part in discussions. This is no time to sit at the back of the room and be shy.
3) Get off campus. Help coach a kids' soccer team, volunteer at a soup kitchen, get active in a church. Do what you can to get to know the world beyond the classroom and dorm.
4) Stay balanced. Get involved, but not too involved. Learn to say no and plan time to relax and have fun.
5) Sleep in. Not all the time. But just be sure you're getting enough sleep.
6) Try something new. You'll never know if you like something until you've tried it. So join a club you've always wanted to try, learn to swim, keep a journal for the first time. You might have fun and you're sure to stretch yourself.
7) Don't get behind. College homework can pile up fast, so don't let it. Plan ahead. Study between classes. Use your study time wisely.
8) Keep in touch with home. Staying connected with family and friends back home will help ease your adjustment to college.
9) Stay close to God. Pray, have devotions, worship with fellow believers, join a Bible study, serve others, and find wise Christian counsel when you need it. Your college experience will be more meaningful and fulfilling if you dedicate each day to God.