3 Facts About Sex

We live in a society that seems saturated in sex. Movies, books, commercials, songs, YouTube videos, and more seem to face us at every turn with sensuality and sexuality. As this is being written, the trailer for a film based on a popular pornographic novel series has been released. The books sold millions upon millions of copies and were read by many women who claim the name of Christ. Many who claim the name of Jesus live with boyfriends or girlfriends outside of marriage. Teens explore sexuality based on what has been learned in movies and videos.

Fact #1: Sex Used Wrongly Destroys

Rampant consensual behaviors do not even take into account situations for forcible sexual encounters like rape or incest. In rape and incest, sex is used as a weapon to harm a weaker person. In all cases, sex has the power to destroy. Sometimes the destruction is overt, while other times it is insidious. But, used wrongly, it always has the power to destroy.

Fact #2: Sexual Purity in Marriage is only Between a Man and a Woman

Paul warned the followers of Jesus, “Know and recognize this: Every sexually immoral or impure or greedy person, who is an idolator, does not have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah and of God.”1 Sexual immorality is an offense to God. Sexual purity is known only in the realm of marriage between a man and a woman.

In American society today, homosexual relationships are deemed to be as normal as heterosexual relationships. We are told loving relationships are available between any two people who love each other–man with man or woman with woman. This may be popular in our society, but it simply does not square with scripture.

Scripture, however, indicates God’s wrath will fall on those who live in disobedience, including sexual sins. Paul continues, “Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God’s wrath is coming on the disobedient because of these things. Therefore, do not become their partners. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light–”2

Fact #3: Sexual Conversation should only be Between Spouses

Interestingly, Paul makes sure we know that our language is also involved. Sexual degradation is not merely a physical act between two people. Dirty jokes, off-color comments, improper discussions with someone not a spouse, and flirtatious emails or text messages also hold inherent destructive potential. Sexually charged communication should be between spouses, while off-color comments or jokes have no place in the conversation of the righteous. If we pattern our speech after that of Jesus, His character and holiness will be seen and heard in us.

In Bible Studies for Life, Chip Ingram writes, “God designed sex to provide physical pleasure, for procreation, for relational intimacy, and to be a spiritual object lesson of Christ and the church.”3 The only way for all four of these to be accomplished righteously is through a sexual relationship between a husband and wife.

Within the bounds of heterosexual marriage, sex is blessed and bountiful. That is where it should stay to avoid the destructiveness it can bring.

1– Ephesians 5:5 (HCSB)
2– Ephesians 5:6-8 (HCSB)
3– Bible Studies for Life, Ready, Chip Ingram

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