10 Habits of Highly Successful People

How you manage your time and attention affects your marriage, your parenting, your fitness, and your potential for influence in the marketplace. These ten tips will help you, no matter where you are in life, make the most of twenty-four hours you receive each day.

1. Know Your Life Goals

Nothing wastes more time than not having a set of clear goals for your life, for the year, for the week, and for the day.

2. Make a To-Do List Every Night for the Next Day

You’ll sleep better, wake up with more enthusiasm, and be a better steward of your time all day long.

3. Wake Up Early (Before You Need to be Awake)

Organize your wake-up time so that you have at least thirty minutes to yourself before you have to get dressed, deal with the kids and leave for work. A morning buffer time puts you in charge of your day.

4. Set Aside Time to Answer Your Email in Batches

This will save most people twenty to thirty minutes a day and have a deeper focus on projects since they aren’t constantly checking for email every few minutes.

5. Plan Out Your Daily or Weekly Errands (and Try to Get Them Completely All at Once!)

This will ensure that time isn’t lost due to simple inefficiency.

6. Think of Your Relationships as Precious Investments

Through years of coaching, I’ve learned that nothing can compete with the regret caused by realizing that you spent too much time with the wrong people. In light of God’s purpose for your life, are you investing enough time with the right relationships?

7. Avoid the Quick-Fix Mentality at All Costs!

Do it right the first time. If you don’t have time to do it in an excellent fashion for the first time, when will you have time to do it over? Taking shortcuts saves time today, but it costs even more time in the future

8. Intentionally Prune Something in Your Life Every Year

Quickly and politely abandon obligations, projects, habits and commitments that no longer serve your God-given purpose. Ask yourself: What could I let go of today and not even miss?

9. Insulate Yourself from Distractions

You will be a more effective spouse, parent or business partner if you routinely have some space or margin where you can quietly think and take care of yourself without being interrupted by others.

10. Constantly Remind Yourself That Time Equals Life!

View each hour of the day as a gift. Quickly evaluate each day in less than two minutes by asking “What went well today? What didn’t go very well? What will I do differently tomorrow?

No matter where you are in life or what restrictions you have on how you use your time, these ten tips will help you live your life on purpose.


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